Based at Birmingham City University, Dr. Samuels has been a pillar of research capacitybuilding initiatives at NEMRA in 2020/2021. Besides conducting WhatsApp topical discussionsand providing valuable materials...
A Vitae UK research capacity building expert, Dr. Byron has been one of NEMRA’s favoritetrainer in 2020/2021. He shared key tips around the idea of turning academic research productsinto enterprises, facilitate...
BU hosted 5 out of the 43 training sessions that NEMRA has held since 2018In the picture are participants of one the workshops at BU Kampala Campus in 2019
The management at RANLab have on many occasion provided space for NEMRA trainingsessions at their premises in Kololo, Kampala.
Based at the University of Dar el Salam, Dlab Tanzania staff including Mahadia Tunga andCharles Bundu were involved in NEMRA’s research capacity building activities. Theyspecifically delivered seminars and work...